How to use your mobile well without your body needing a physio

 How to use your mobile well without your body needing a physio

In this article, we’ll provide you with tips and tricks on how to use your mobile phone without causing physical strain and discomfort. Follow these expert tips to avoid the need for physiotherapy.

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Mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives, and we use them for various purposes such as communication, entertainment, and productivity. However, excessive use of mobile phones can cause physical strain and discomfort, leading to the need for physiotherapy. In this article, we’ll provide you with tips and tricks on how to use your mobile phone without causing physical strain and discomfort. So, let’s get started!

How to Use Your Mobile Without Needing Physiotherapy

Maintain a Good Posture

Maintaining a good posture is essential when using your mobile phone. Here are some tips to help you maintain a good posture:

  1. Hold your phone at eye level to avoid looking down for prolonged periods.
  2. Sit in a comfortable chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground.
  3. Use a pillow or cushion to support your lower back if necessary.

Take Frequent Breaks

Taking frequent breaks from using your mobile phone can help reduce physical strain and discomfort. Here are some tips to help you take frequent breaks:

  1. Set a timer to remind you to take breaks.
  2. Use the “20-20-20” rule: every 20 minutes, look away from your phone for 20 seconds, and focus on an object 20 feet away.
  3. Stretch your neck, shoulders, and back during your breaks to relieve tension and improve circulation.

Use a Hands-Free Device

Using a hands-free device such as Bluetooth headphones or a speakerphone can help reduce physical strain and discomfort. Here are some tips to help you use a hands-free device:

  1. Use a high-quality hands-free device to avoid straining your ears.
  2. Adjust the volume to a comfortable level to avoid straining your ears.
  3. Take breaks from using hands-free devices to avoid discomfort and fatigue.

Avoid Using Your Phone in Bed

Using your mobile phone in bed can cause physical strain and discomfort. Here are some tips to help you avoid using your phone in bed:

  1. Use an alarm clock instead of your mobile phone to wake up in the morning.
  2. Charge your phone in a different room to avoid the temptation of using it in bed.
  3. Establish a bedtime routine that doesn’t involve using your phone.

Use Ergonomic Accessories

Using ergonomic accessories such as phone stands and keyboard extensions can help reduce physical strain and discomfort. Here are some tips to help you use ergonomic accessories:

  1. Choose ergonomic accessories that are designed to support your posture and reduce strain.
  2. Adjust your accessories to the appropriate height and angle to avoid physical strain and discomfort.
  3. Take breaks from using ergonomic accessories to avoid discomfort and fatigue.


Q: How much time should I spend on my mobile phone? A: It’s recommended to limit your mobile phone use to 2 hours per day to avoid physical strain and discomfort.

Q: Can using a mobile phone cause long-term physical problems? A: Yes, excessive use of mobile phones can lead to long-term physical problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, and eye strain.

Q: Can I use voice commands instead of typing on my mobile phone? A: Yes, using voice commands can help reduce physical strain and discomfort.


Using mobile phones for extended periods can cause physical strain and discomfort, leading to the need for physiotherapy. By following these expert tips and tricks, you can avoid the need for physiotherapy and enjoy using your mobile phone without discomfort. Remember to maintain a good posture, take frequent breaks, use a hands-free device, avoid using your phone in bed, and use ergonomic accessories. By implementing these tips, you can reduce the physical strain and discomfort caused by using mobile phones. So, use your mobile phone wisely, and take care of your physical health!

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